Friday, September 27, 2019

Performance Standards and Appraisals Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Performance Standards and Appraisals - Term Paper Example In my workplace, performance appraisal is an ongoing process whereby employees are evaluated in a constant basis. The role of performance appraisal in my workplace falls solely on the nurse managers. It is done in the form of an interview whereby both the employee being evaluated and the nurse manager fills a performance appraisal form on the employees performance. Performance in all areas is evaluated and employees are gauged in a scale of one to five with one denoting poor performance and five denoting excellent performance. This, according to Laureate Education Inc (2006) is important as managers may have divergent views in regard to the performance of an employee. This also fosters dialogue between the manager and the employee aimed at ensuring the employee understands all the aspects of the evaluation (Laureate Education Inc, 2006). Areas of weakness are identified and strategies are implemented to help improve employees performance for instance through training. All through the process, the manager conducting the appraisal documents the process through taking notes which are then co-signed by the employee being evaluated. Performance standards in my workplace are created in collaboration with employees. This is important as engaging employees in designing performance standards fosters a better understanding of the standards and guidelines and hence they are more likely to exceed expectations in their performance (Laureate Education Inc, 2006). The manager guides the employees in identifying behaviors and attitudes that are beneficial and constructive, and those that could have negative implications. These performance standards in my workplace are communicated through trainings, either on-the-job training or formal trainings. Effectively training employees enables them to understand and comprehend what they are expected to accomplish and achieve in their jobs (Laureate Education Inc, 2006). One of the strengths of this appraisal system in my workplace is

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