Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Queen Elizabeth I Essay -- Biology

She was never married and was known as the "Virgin Queen" because she had no children. She brought England a victory when beating Spain, at the time the most powerful country in the world, in war. Her birth was a disappointment because her father wanted a boy so he could be King. Who was this interesting and bold person? Queen Elizabeth I. Brave and intelligent, Queen Elizabeth I achieved many important thing when she was Queen and England would never be the way it is now if it wasn't for her. Queen Elizabeth I was born on September 7, 1533. Her father was Henry VIII and her mother was Anne Boleyn ("Elizabeth I, Queen of England" par 1). Elizabeth's birthplace was at Greenwhich Palace, England ("Elizabeth I Biography" par 2). When she was born her father did not even want a girl so Anne Boleyn was executed in 1536 for suspicion of infidelity. Elizabeth father had married and she had Edward VI and Mary as her half siblings. She grew up without a mothers care but was intelligent and well educated. Elizabeth knew a number of languages and loved music("Elizabeth I, Queen of England" par 1 and 9). Elizabeth was taught by famous scholars such as William Grindal and Roger Asham. She did enjoy many recreations including horseback riding, hawking, hunting, and bear baiting ("Elizabeth I Biography" par 5 and 8). Through her early childhood she wasn't really considered the next queen or great ruler. Elizabeth was just considered the Kings daughter and was actually barely seen by him ("Queen Elizabeth I" par 9). Something other that was very present in her life was that she inherited a feud between the Catholics and Protestants ("Elizabeth I 1558-1603 AD" par 2). Queen Elizabeth's father died in January of 1547 ("Elizabeth I Biography" ... ... thought of it as "The Golden Age". Even though she didn't have a huge impact on the world, Queen Elizabeth I was able to bring her citizens together after they were in poverty. People started to believe a man can lead a war just as well as a woman ("Elizabeth Tudor" par 9-10). Queen Elizabeth had a "live or die" situation when she went out to fight in war instead of being guarded in her castle. She wanted to die fighting with her people ("The Spanish Armada" par 11). Elizabeth had a friend named Robert Dudley that she knew since she was eight years old. He had a big influence in her life because he was such a friend to her ( "Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester" par 2). Finally Elizabeth wanted to be known as "Gods Vessel on Earth ("Elizabeth I and the Church" par 3)." I have the heart of a man. not a woman, and I am not afraid of anything. (Queen Elizabeth I)

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